So here we are! Well tbh now I feel like I wanna share some serious stories about my (not-so-perfect) life. About what happens in my early January 2016. Well, mostly about how I spent my weekends since my Weekdays life are full at the Learning & Development Center.
But first of all, I just wanna share an important information: I have to stay (again) in Jakarta for the next 1,5 months. I have to spend my OJT life in Jakarta. I know. It sucks, right?
Okay. Most of my weekends, I spent them at AEON Mall. Why? Because I'm in love with their sushi. For me, it was really worth it. I really love sushi, and the taste of AEON sushi are really nice (but the most important thing is the price, ha!). So on Sunday, I moved my lazy ass to AEON. I woke up at 8, so I can go to AEON on 11 after I washed my clothes. I really love it when I have a nice quality time with myself. I drove my car, put on a lot of good songs, then I can enjoy riding my Edward. The silly thing is, I only drive about 20km just to take away some sushi, haha! But I have to go since Edward was very dirty and I want to wash him. (Not to mention that 2 hours after Edward is clean, the rain is coming. Errgghhh!)
Oh, and on Saturday, I ALMOST drove my car to Bandung since I really really wanna go home. But then I start thinking about these things:
1. I haven't receive my January payroll.
2. "Gue pulang buat siapa? Ngapain? Sampe sana mau ketemu siapa aja?" Those questions are remaining on my head. And then I decided to stay in Karawaci because I just realized that the person that I'd love to meet after my sister is *he-who-must-not-be-named*.
Tbh, I won't be hypocrite, I'm kinda miss the moments when we hang out, but since I always train myself to not "baper" with those sweet yet sour memories, I have to prepare my mental so I would be ready to meet *he-who-must-not-be-named*.
3. Oh, actually I asked my friend, Kak Hendra to go out with me last weekend but he already have a plan to go to Bandung. And since I "extend" my time in Jakarta, it would be okay if I treat him next time (because the last time we hang out was a kind of his bday celebration, so the next round's on me).
4. Well I had a very nice Sunday, actually. Because I have a lot of time staying in my room, watching good movies, playing games and listening good songs. I was really tired because on Saturday I went to Living World from 11 AM to 8 PM to meet my friend, Enya. This is kinda silly about how we know each other. So I have an ex, Joe, now he's in US. When I was Joe's lover, Enya was his "sister from another mother". She added me on my Friendster (OMG!), then we always keep contact even after I broke up with Joe. For 9 years we only speak through YM, Line and Line Calls, Facebook, Twitter, etc. then I had a chance to meet her, why not? It was really nice to have a friend like her :)
I'm too sad right now about the "OJT in Jakarta" thingy, but I don't have a choice. I just hope this decision will bring me a chance to meet someone new, because I have to admit that now I really wanna have someone that I can rely to. I'm kinda tired about the loneliness, about how quiet my cellphone is, and I think I'm ready to settle down. My friends, who knows about my "secret" always said that I have to open up my heart, don't be stuck with someone that can't give you a thing, or maybe like you back. Sure, it's a hard thing to do. But, try to let it go and open up your heart so the sunshine will in.
May Allah blessed me abundantly. Aamiin.
Well, that's how I spent my last weekend in Karawaci. Sorry if the stories are not interesting, but that's all I have :/
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