
Showing posts from January, 2016

State of The Union - Week 10

IN - Lembur - Overnight oats - Parkiran mahal - Flu, fever, tireddddd! - Perkedel jagung - K-Drama: Oh My Ghost OUT - Free time - Dinner - Social life :/



Farewell my second home :)

Yihiiiy! Alhamdulillah tadi dapet kabar penempatan OJT dan kekhawatiran kita semua (sebagian besar) tidak terjadi. Karenaaaa aku sempet takut kemaren penempatan OJT di Jakarta (issue nya pindah2 pula cabangnya), tapi ternyata aku dapet di Bandungggg! Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah yaa, apa yg aku minta ketika tahajjud jadi kenyataan :) Dan aku sekarang mulai lanjut packing, nyicil barang2 untuk ditaro di mobil, biar nanti Sabtu pagi udah nggak rempong lagi hihi. Walaupun ntar aku mesti nytir sendiri dari Karawaci ke Bandung, tapi Alhamdulillah aku ga keberatan, soalnya udah seneng banget bisa pulang ke Bandung! Hihi senengnya setengah matiiii! Oya aku juga agak sedih sih mau ninggalin kosan karawaci, aku inget banget waktu pertama kali nyampe Karawaci dan aku ga kenal daerahnya sama sekali, aku naik Taxi ke kosan ini utk pertama kalinya, dan nyampe kamar aku langsung beres2 sambil pesen delivery makan. Waktu itu tanggal 3 Desember 2015, dan kondisinya aku beneran cape setelah perjalanan ...


So here we are! Well tbh now I feel like I wanna share some serious stories about my (not-so-perfect) life. About what happens in my early January 2016. Well, mostly about how I spent my weekends since my Weekdays life are full at the Learning & Development Center. But first of all, I just wanna share an important information: I have to stay (again) in Jakarta for the next 1,5 months. I have to spend my OJT life in Jakarta. I know. It sucks, right? Okay. Most of my weekends, I spent them at AEON Mall. Why? Because I'm in love with their sushi. For me, it was really worth it. I really love sushi, and the taste of AEON sushi are really nice (but the most important thing is the price, ha!). So on Sunday, I moved my lazy ass to AEON. I woke up at 8, so I can go to AEON on 11 after I washed my clothes. I really love it when I have a nice quality time with myself. I drove my car, put on a lot of good songs, then I can enjoy riding my Edward. The silly thing is, I only drive about 20k...

State of The Union - Week 9

IN - New clothes - Preparation for Farewell Party - Kecapean jadi ga ngantor - Meetup with old friend - Honey-every-morning-and-before-bed (again) - Greentea Almond Crispy Cheese (enak parahhh!) - Trick Art Museum @ Living World Alsut OUT - Money money money - Plan pulang ke bandung - Happy Tos - Karawaci (soon)

State of The Union - Week 8

IN - Sushi @ AEON Supermarket - Swedish Meatball @ IKEA - Rute kost - AEON Mall - (a little) weight loss OUT - Roti isi Ovomaltine - SS - (still) rice - moneyyyyy

State of The Union - Week 7 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!)

IN - NYE with friends - Jagung bakar dan teman2nya - Passed the BLF exams - My Edward udah di karci ❤️ - Vegetables OUT - All of the memories in 2015 - Rice - You. I wish. Hahah kidding. Happy New Year, fellas!

State of The Union - Week 6

IN - Short holiday - Meet my adorable nephews, Darius & Cyrus - WEIGHTGAIN! - Out from Karawaci - Business Lending Fundamental materials, and the exams on Wednesday OUT - Christmas break - Darius and Cyrus :'( - Kelapa Gading