
Showing posts from March, 2016

State of The Union - Week 20

IN - I'm ready for another Tarot reading. Apapun hasilnya, aku udah siap! :D - New playlists - Popcorn and weightgain - First client visit to Majalaya OUT - Office mate - Bad vibes

State of The Union - Week 19

IN - Lolos OJT 1 (hix!) - Sarapan berat - Asam lambung jadi ke Siloam Hospital lagi - Ketemu temen2 DP (yay!) OUT - 3 orang temen DP (hix!) - Sinyal kartu halo - Karawaci

State of The Union - Week 18

IN - Karawaci *yay!* - Rice and the other healthy foods - New playlist - New movies: Kung Fu Panda & London has fallen OUT - OJT 1

State of The Union - Week 17

IN - Pudding - Flu and cough - Rain - Paper OJT 1 OUT - Chitato sapi panggang. Hix. - Cuci mobil (ujan mele!) - DIMSUM (all you can eat sampe mo muntah) - Sambel. Hix.

State of The Union - Week 16

IN - Sakit - Marugame Udon after 4 months - Comedy muvee: Dirty Grandpa - Horror muvee: The Other Side of The Door - Homemade silky milk pudding - Masuk ojt di cabang (lagi) - Bebek Garang setelah sekian lama OUT - My Kate Spade phone case T.T - Tidur nyenyak. Sekarang dikit2 kebangun subuh. Huvft.