
Showing posts from February, 2016

State of The Union - Week 15

IN - Ngantuk terus menerus - Masih sepi zzz - OJT di Legal - Fried rice (fug diet) - Sambel! OUT - Healthy meal - Oatmeal

State of The Union - Week 14

IN - (masih) Chitato Sapi Panggang - MULAI BOSEN SENDIRI! - Kdrama: Oh My Venus - Weekend: Q-time w/ myself - Chubby cheeks  - Roti coklat bawean OUT - Diet - Plan buat donor darah

Love-Hate >> Weekend >> Single and ready to mingle

Found a good article about "non-awkward activities to do alone" Well, no. 10 is a must! apalagi kalo belum punya rencana kemanamana :') Happy weekend, peeps!

State of The Union - Week 13

IN - Rice vermicelli - Chitato sapi panggang (lagi) - Galau - Tidur cepet OUT - OJT di Reviewer - Kdrama: Marriage, not dating 

State of The Union - Week 12

IN - Hasil medcheck bagus semua - Lirik lagu 1000 tahun lamanya. Ternyata oke ya. - Dysmenorrhea a.k.a Period Cramps - Baju bola kelas dipake lagi - Flatshoes - Mama mulai nanyain pacar - Flu - Ex ngajak nikah OUT - TIDUR CUKUP - Gebetan. Satupun tak ada soalnya mau moveon. Hix. - Duiw! - Health and happiness - Fruits

State of The Union - Week 11

IN - looking for a new opportunity - tenggo - another worries - pizza, oxtail soup, rice - no more weightgain - stress OUT - you. it's been too long.