
Showing posts from December, 2015

Playlist of the week.

1. DNCE - Cake by the ocean 2. One Direction - Change my mind (ini bagus banget liriknyaaa!) 3. Demi Lovato - Nightingale (luuuuvs!) 4. One Direction - They don't know about us 5. Charlie Puth - One call away

State of The Union - Week 5

IN - new shoes ❤️ - (another) new office outfits - first payroll :') - old bags of mine - itchhh! alergi gatel kumat :'(((( OUT - RETAINER GIGI! RIP, you :'( - yogurt - mauve brown lipstick - lampu tidur

State of The Union - Week 4

IN - NEW OUTFITS *yay* - dorm fee to my payroll account *SUPER YAY!* - weekly test - new stockings - new Captain America stuffs: Lego bracelet and new tumblr OUT - MONEYYYYY! - ripped stocking. ergh! - jam tidur - orang yg menyebalkan dan gatau diri!

State of The Union - Week 3

IN - New boarding house - New foods - New office - New friends - New clothes, pantyhoses, blazers, etc. - Public transports OUT - Days without pantyhoses - Precious jobless-hours  - Driving

new boarding house.

So, today I moved out from Bandung to Karawaci. Tapi cuma sebulan, buat training doang. Nah kemaren Leo bantu aku buat nyari kost di Karawaci dan akhirnya dapet yg enakk! Looks like I'm gonna love this place. Selain diberesin, ternyata fasilitas kosannya udah termasuk wifi, laundry, listrik, air panas dan lokasinya super strategis. Ditambah lagi kosannya ada di dalem perumahan yg elite gt, jadi enak bgt dijagain security 24jam plus lingkungan komplek nya enak bgt buat jalan2.  Semoga aku betah yaa sebulan kedepan tinggal disini ❤️