
Showing posts from November, 2015

State of The Union - Week 2

IN - CIVIL WAR TRAILER!!! - New payroll account *yay!* - Vanilla choux localmade - Rice - Instant noodles OUT - Spinach - Job interviews - Instant noodles - MBA certificate - Holiday plans

27 November 2015 - 1:49 AM

#truestory #wellsaid

Dobler-Dahmer theory.

I just couldn't stand the idea of not meeting you.


Efek parno soal Captain America 😭😭

27 November 2015 - 1:49 AM


november rain.

It's okay to be rain all day long, but tolong bangettt petirnya jangan gini bgt, dari kecil sampe sekarang ku masih takut pisan sama petir. #wish #pray


Lagi pengen nulis soal pertanyaan2 wawancara. Jadi aku udah berapa kali wawancara di beberapa tempat. Dari situ aku mau mengkategorikan pertanyaan2 yang aku suka dan yang nggak aku suka. • Pertanyaan yang aku suka • 1. Tell me about yourself 2. Describe your activities or the achievement that you got when you were in Russia 3. What are your responsibilities during the Internship program in A*tra. Untuk pertanyaan2 gitu emang gampang, dan bikin aku semangat jawabnya karena emang jelas gitu. Dan sebaliknya... • Pertanyaan yang nggak aku suka • 1. Do you have a boyfriend? 2. Do you have a plan to get married this year? 3. Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend? Eh ini ga boong loh ya, ini serius aku berapa kali ditanya pertanyaan gitu dengan orang yang berbeda2. #pelisatuhlah

Can't sleep. It sux.

1:39 AM and I can't sleep. Eottokhae 😭😭




So, last year I took this quiz, then today I retake the same quiz again and the results are still the same. I am incredibly observant 😚 Here's the link of the quiz: P.S. It's just for fun. Don't take it seriously.

Tuesday's Playlist

1. Someday We'll Know - New Radicals 2. Pretty Boy - M2M 3. Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift feat. Ed Sheeran 4. The Hardest Day - The Corrs feat. Alejandro Sanz 5. What Do You Mean - Justin Bieber 6. Make You Feel My Love - Adele 7. I'm Scared - Duffy 8. Dreaming With a Broken Heart - John Mayer 9. Here Without You - 3 Doors Down 10. Kau - Dua #PlaylistSpeakLouderThanWords

today's playlist - 21 November 2015

1. All I Ask - Adele 2. Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant & Hailey Bennett 3. Love Moves In Mysterious Ways - MYMP 4. Especially For You - MYMP 5. Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble 6. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift 7. Can I Walk With You - IndiaArie 8. Something I Need - OneRepublic 9. Like I'm Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor feat. John Legend 10. Make You Feel My Love - Adele #PlaylistSpeakLouderThanWords

State of The Union - Week 1

IN - SMULE! - Hangout at Beatrice Quarter's (the place's really cute and cozy) - Butterscotch milk - New job, new friends, new books, new DVDs - Work outfit - Illuminated Disney LINE theme OUT - Hangout at Wingz o Wingz - That "perjodohan" thingy. The long-distance-future-doctor, Ex, Pilot, Long-lost friend. - Comfort zone and free time - Satinique shampoo - Public Accountant Firm - S'mores Dip

Early November's Playlist

1. Friends, Lovers or Nothing - Jason Mraz 2. Love Me Like You - Little Mix 3. Almost is Never Enough - Ariana Grande & Nathan Sykes 4. What If I - Meghan Trainor 5. Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer 6. Kesempurnaan Cinta - Rizky 7. Knock Me Out - Afgan 8. Turning Back To You - Citra Scholastika 9. Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift 10. I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen #galaukokdipiara

kehidupan setelah MBA.

yellow! hari ini tanggal 17 November 2015 dan diluar ujan terus, jadi aku dirumah doang ngedengerin semua lagunya Andre Rieu & Strauss, bikin hot chocolate dan karena bosen nonton, aku pengen nulis. hmm mungkin kali ini aku mau cerita gimana aku sebelum dan setelah lulus kali yah. oke, jadi setelah struggle dengan thesis, akhirnya alhamdulillah aku bisa dapetin gelar MBA dibelakang S.I.Kom aku pada tanggal 8 September 2015. YAY! yang awalnya gak nyangka bakal keburu, taunya emang Allah ngizinin aku untuk segera nyelesein S2 di bulan itu. nah, sayang sekali aku lulus disaat kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia lagi jelek, jadi nggak banyak perusahaan yang open recruitment (not to mention kalo PHK pun semakin banyak), dan pendaftaran untuk CPNS juga udah tutup dari Agustus, jadilah aku sempet bingung mau kerja apa. kalo ngikutin cita2 dari jaman masih ABG sih ya pengennya kerja di Lifestyle Magazine, karena aku terobsesi dengan film Devil Wears Prada, 13 Going On 30, Confession...